Echoes of the Lost World
“Echoes of the Lost World” is a captivating choral masterpiece, designed for advanced treble voices. This stunning work narrates the tale of discovering a lost world, which ultimately leads to a profound realization of one’s identity and purpose in life. Commissioned by the esteemed Hong Kong Children’s Choir in 2016, this work has since mesmerized audiences across the globe, featuring prominently in international festivals such as the World Choir Games and the Grand Prix of Nations. The piece has also been transcribed for choir and orchestra by the acclaimed Hong Kong arranger, Wong Wai Chun, for its premiere in “Sounds of Hong Kong” by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. This masterpiece is the perfect finale for any concert or competition, leaving a lasting impression on all who hear it. Experience the evocative power of “Echoes of the Lost World” and embark on a journey of self-discovery that is truly unforgettable.
sgd 180.00
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